A short “About Me” for General Purposes:
Molly Lewis is a singer-songwriter-ukulelist from southern California. She writes humorous-yet-poignant songs about history, popular culture, and current events. Since 2009 she has self-produced 4 albums, including "Thanksgiving Vs. Christmas," an original musical holiday special.
She makes her home in Seattle with her 15 ukuleles.
The Molly Lewis So Far
⭐ 2007 - Cover of “Toxic” by Britney Spears went viral
(Do you know how hard it was to get half a million views in 2007?)⭐ 2009 - won Masters Of Song Fu songwriting contest (vs. Paul and Storm + Hank Green) with “Our American Cousin“
⭐ 2009 - self-produced first album with Hank Green’s DFTBA Records (their first album too)
⭐ 2012 - graduated university and celebrated with live concert, released as album The Same Old Songs (But Live)
⭐ 2015 - wrote, staged, & co-starred in semi-biographical holiday special Thanksgiving vs. Christmas
⭐ 2012 - 2015 - Toured with The Doubleclicks, Marian Call, Joseph Scrimshaw; also appeared with Sarah Donner, Danielle Ate The Sandwich
⭐ 2013 - Propositioned actor Stephen Fry in song (yes, really)⭐ Appeared at W00tstock (2009 - 2011), DragonCon, San Diego ComicCon, JoCo Cruise (2011-2020), Desert Bus for Hope (2014-2021) Alaska MiniCon, NorWesCon, GenCon, VidCon 1 and VidCon X
⭐ 2019 - Hosted LoadingReadyRun’s game show The Panalysts
⭐ 2019 - headlined Czech Ukulele Festival
⭐ 2020 - started playing electric ukulele weekly on Twitch
⭐ 2022 - “Pantsuit Sasquatch” hits 1 million streams on Spotify
⭐ 2022 - wrote for MST3K, childhood dream came true
What people have to say about me:
“self-consciously nerdy and ‘twee’”
- The Stranger
“totally charming and very pretty”
- Stephen Fry